Thursday, May 15, 2014

Panem and The Capitol

Welcome to The Turning of the Tides a blog for my Hunger Games Fanfiction of the same name, you can find it here:

The Turning of The Tides takes place in the same universe as The Hunger Games stories and imagines the world 75 years after the Mockingjay rebellion failed and all the previous Victors were killed.

The Year of the 150th Games was a quell and the tributes were reaped from the families of the surviving victors.

The Year of the 151st Games included a rule change where alliances were banned, this proved unpopular.

The Year of the 152nd Games is where everything will change.

My Panem -

The Capitol

The Capitol is hidden amongst the mountains it is protected by the might of Two and grows from the wealth created by the other districts.

Even in the Capitol life isn't equal however, where you live is dictated by your profession and social standing.

Ruby Capitolites are rich beyond compare, famous and barely have to work at all. They live in large apartments situated in the centre of the capitol where they have 24 hour access to shops, theaters and bars. A ruby house is always glamorous and follows the latest trends as well as appearing timeless.

A typical Capitol apartment block in Ruby- 


Opal Capitolites are the creative types, show business people, stylists and designers. Many Opal citizens work for the games and they all spend their time trying to keep up to and ahead of trend. Opal homes are eccentric and garish with a mixture of many styles in one space.

A typical Capitol apartment block in Opal -

Gold Capitolites keep the country running in dull government offices, many job share so they only work three days a week leaving plenty of time to network and socialize in the many betting parlors in Gold. Gold capitolites are the most likely to get into dept and end up in the peacekeeper forces. Gold homes are clean and modern with only the essentials within them.

A typical Capitol apartment block in Gold -

Silk Capitolites run the shops and do all the unwanted jobs living only a few steps above Avoxes, it is these unfortunate souls who usually make the final step down to Avox. Silk apartments are cramped and small with minimalist designs, despite being the lowest of the capitol a Silk child is much more likely to be seen laughing as their stiff Gold contemporaries.

A typical Capitol apartment block in Silk -

District 1

District One - Luxuries

District One is situated to the south of the Capitol in the state once known as Navada. It is a dry and hot place and the people are often described as lazy due to the strength living in the heat requires of them.

Working surrounded by pretty things gives the people of District One an appreciation for the finer things in life causing them to envy life in the Capitol and create cheaper versions of their products for consumption at home, it is not uncommon to see a District One woman in a current wig and a dress that is only one season out of date.

District One has one of the only two official training centers remaining and advertises it primarily as a health club, there is a boarding house attached which is seen by many abandoned youngsters as a better alternative to the community home.

Images of District 1

The Tributes

Hellios Baucch (18)
Info: Dedicated to his cousins and in love with Clona, he was abandoned at the training centre age 8 and loves to fight. He has anger management issues and is prone to snap.
Strengths: calculating, adventurous, well trained, protective.
Weaknesses: bitter, emotion-driven, his love for Cliona.
Games Status - Alive

Cliona Irvette (18)
Info: Abandoned age 8 with her siblings and cousin at the centre, Cliona is very bitter and angry. She holds a strong facade but when she does snap she tends to hurt people.
Strengths: courageous, obstinate, opportunist, well trained.
Weaknesses: vengeful, irritable, attention seeker.
Games Status - Alive

District 2

District Two - Masonry/Peacekeeping
The people of District Two are raised in the largest military camp in the world, they are born knowing how to salute and that there are only two ways to escape the peacekeeping forces, to either be thrown out of training and sent to the mines or to be selected for the games.

At the training academy all children are trained from the age of 9 in skills needed for peacekeeping and the games. At 12 children are given a choice to continue training or to work at the mines, after that it's a brutal process leading to a class of 16 year olds who are over the next two whittled down to a final ten trainees a year. Two of these 18 year olds will enter the games and the rest will join the higher ranks of peacekeepers.

District Two offers a hard life for its citizens but it rewards them well too, miners retire early as do peacekeepers and drinking prohibitions are lowered for the older citizens to reward them for their hard work. Combined with the respectful nature the training centre instills in their young retirement in Two can be a rather enjoyable time in life.

Images of District Two

The Tributes
Cassius Rhodes (18)
Info: A focused and prepared career tribute who volunteered for the games. He has recently become engaged to his long term girlfriend and vows to win for her.
Strengths: confidence, excels under pressure, expertly trained.
Weaknesses: poor survival skills, arrogant, too trusting.
Game Status - Alive.

Olivia Visious (17)
Info: A thinker and a planner Olivia loves to plot a good trick, she's not too fussed who she hurts and always has a laugh on her face. She volunteered for the games.
Strengths: expertly trained, confident, quick.
Weaknesses: unfocused, enjoys to play tricks and annoy people.
Game Status - Alive.

District 3

District Three - Technology
Situated south only to D7 in the geography of Panem Three is a rather cold and unforgiving place designed to keep its citizens wishing to remain inside their small apartment homes and discourage them from socializing. 

The intelligence needed of citizens of Three is one of the Capitol's greatest regrets as they are harder to control than the other districts. Harsh punishments are common in Three and many of the citizens are scared and stick by the Capitol propaganda to protect themselves and their families.

Children of Three are schooled until they are 17 and are given a job upon completing a final exam to measure their knowledge and abilities, many children therefore study out side of school and take unpaid apprenticeships and training at jobs they would like to do for the rest of their lives. They therefore have little free time.

Images of  District Three

The Tributes

Mac Dalton (18)
Info: A secretive young man who volunteered to go into the games.
Strengths: Mentally prepared, hand-to-hand combat.
Weaknesses: distract-able, unfriendly, minimal training.
Games Status - Alive

Tek Kilo (16)
Info: Shy and reserved Tek has never really opens up to anybody except her step-brother Net. She enjoys fixing and creating things from found objects.
Strengths: Intelligent, small and fast, inventive, determined.
Weaknesses: Weak, shy.
Game Status - Alive

District 4

District Four - Fishing
Situated to the south of Panem and spreading into what was once Mexico, Four is the narrowest of the Districts. It is also one of the most beautiful with long white beaches and a deep blue sea. The view won't feed it's citizens though and Capitol restrictions on personal fishing were tightened greatly after the Mockingjay Rebellion. Most of the citizens of Four struggle day to day and live from poached fish and the tessaera grain and oil, starvation is common within the less bold families.

Despite this the citizens of Four know how to have a good time, many can swim and all enjoy the beach in their free time. 

The training centre in Four was mostly disbanded after the Mockingjay Rebellion when the citizens of Four rushed to separate themselves from their traitorous Victors. However their is always a enthusiastic victor trying to bring it back to its former glory.

Images of District Four

The Tributes
Halcyone 'Cy' Morris (15)
Info: The son of an abusive and power mad mayor Cy sought his escape in the training centre and jumping between the homes of Four with his close friend Dorian. He had planned on volunteering but  decided against it much to the anger of his mentor Marena who usually gets what she wants.
Strengths: Agile, Logical, Medically minded, quick.
Weaknesses: Volatile temper, unsociable, doesn't want to be in the games, mistrusts his mentors.
Games Status - Alive

Lysandra Seldin (17)
Info: A persistent young woman who has been trained for the games since she was 12. Her family don't like the idea of her volunteering but she is stuck with her decision and wants to bring pride to Four.
Strengths: Strong, trained, tactical, strong swimmer, weapons trained.
Weaknesses: Rude, poor public speaker, frank with her opinions, argumentative.
Games Status - Alive

District 5

District Five - Power
District Five exists in a state between lies and truths and it's citizens between sane and insane. The creation of  power is the official industry of Five but as many wise man would tell you 'knowledge is power' and so Five creates that too. Many of it's citizens work in labs designing and creating, medicines, cosmetic enhancements and many of the other miracles of life that the Capitol expect. 

The test subjects for these enhancements has meant that many generations of Five have been born with a quirk or trait in common such as red hair, purple eyes or sets of twins. Of course nothing has ever been officially announced about this and all participants must sign disclosure forms with a penalty of death. Those who do figure it out outside the test subjects are denounced as insane. 

Day to day the citizens of Five attend their schools and jobs and for the most part obey the capitol laws keeping themselves as a free district with few peacekeepers and high portions of food allocated. The docile nature of Five has also been linked to testing but those who make that link are quickly silenced.

Images of Five

The Tributes
Hugh Kratis (15)
Info: A curious and shy young boy, Hugh grew up in a sheltered environment with his parents and two young twin brothers. 
Strengths: Quiet, sneaky, Fast
Weaknesses: Physically weak, unsociable, prone to staring at people.
Game Status - Alive

Christine Quinlan (16)
Info: A popular young girl who lives with her parents and twin sister Demi.
Strengths: Logical, Friendly, Outgoing.
Weaknesses: Physically weak, Is hiding a secret.
Game Status - Alive

District 6

District Six
Situated in the centre of Panem Six is the hub of all transport travelling though Panem, as well as creating all forms of transport from great fishing ships for four to sleek and stylish Capitol cars the people of Six also process incoming produce from other Districts and direct it to it's final destination.

Despite the capitols insistence that the people of Six dislike to travel many do enjoy to move quickly and large numbers of strong laborers are used to repair railways. Skilled pilots and drivers can be employed in the capitol for short contracts and the need to test cars and bikes means many citizens can drive. A common sport and pastime is the racing of handmade vehicles around a dirt track.

To keep them loyal the Capitol relax certain restrictions and increase rations into the District, due to this there is also surprisingly no large black market, though some smaller traders to pop up trying to sell stolen cargoes they are often handed to authorities by the good people of Six.

Images of District Six

The Tributes

Axel Maloney (17)
Info: A friendly and mature young man, Axel was born deaf. His sister taught him to talk and lip read and he works in a scrap yard.
Strengths: physically strong, trustworthy, he likes a good fight,
Weaknesses: Deaf, too trusting, he can be impulsive.
Game Status - Alive

Porscha Lance (16)
Info: Porcha grew up with only her mother who works for the peacekeepers in Six. She is a mischievous and cheaky girl who loves nothing more than dancing with her friends and chasing after boys.
Strengths: Athletic, Good looking, Strong willed.
Weaknesses: Impulsive, un-used to wilderness, fear of heights.
Game Status - Alive

District 7

District Seven - Lumber

The people of District Seven are a flexible and hardy bunch, their district is situated in the far north of Panem where rising sea levels have created a temperate coniferous forest perfect for Panems need for fast growing wood. The wild surroundings of Seven create a wild populace that the Capitol struggle to control with physical force. They therefore take a similar approach to Six with Seven, providing more foods and relaxing the high food prices that other districts struggle with.

The nature of their works means that the citizens of Seven must move the boundaries of the District often to find new areas of trees. This means dwellings are often temporary and families are often split up as people look for work. This migrant life leaves the people of Seven as the least family orientated of all the districts making them rather selfish and uncaring of others.

Many people of Seven enjoy their work and the freedom to hunt for their own food that comes with living and working so close to nature, many have little gardens and children learn early how to catch and skin stray rabbits that pass their homes. 

Images of District Seven

The Tributes
Lem Davenport (16)
Info: A un-confident and shy boy who wishes he was more confident and struggles to share his feelings for a female friend.
Strengths: Friendly, Adaptable, Good instincts.
Weaknesses: Unconfident, physically weak, Spontaneous at times.
Game Status - Alive

Amber Haigh (16)
Info: Amber is dedicated to her family completely and lives in the shadow of her younger sister who survived a reaping and is in the running to work for the district government.
Strengths: Fast, knowledge of  plants, skilled with axe.
Weaknesses: focused on home, self sacrificing.
Game Status - Alive

District 8

District Eight - Textiles

Creative yet controlled the citizens of District Eight live busy lives working night and day in the factories to produce clothing needed for the whole of Panem. The large factories and giant housing blocks rise high into the sky and leave the ground dark and cramped. The feeling of claustrophobia is common in Eights small homes and busy factories and people often have little time to themselves.

A common myth that keeps the people of eight creative is the belief that they may escape their district to become a designer in the Capitol, everyone seems to know someone whose sister/aunt/neighbor made it to the capitol but none of these people actually exist. Capitol designers do enjoy visiting Eights design studios and factories to steal the best designs however.

Children attend school between the hours of 0800 and 1400 and then enter work until 1900 leaving them little free time. The lack of open spaces in eight means that though they are often tired and skinny, children of Eight get no real exercise or experience of nature a major disadvantage for them during the games.

Images of District Eight

The Tributes
Cecil Maeve (17)
Info: A moody and temperamental young man Cecil dropped out of school several years ago to get a job. He has an addictive personality inherited from his father and is often seen with a cigarette in his hand.
Strengths: Detached, Unreadable, Hardened
Weaknesses: Temperamental, Addiction to cigarettes, Un-trusting.
Game Status: Alive

Lurex Lalita (17)
Info: An ambitious girl Lurex dreams of becoming a teacher in District Eight, she loves to ask questions and learn things, a habit that could get her into some trouble. 
Strengths: Friendly, Quick on her feet, Inquisitive mind.
Weaknesses: Physically weak, Terrified of the games, Asks to many questions.
Game Status: Alive