Tuesday, May 6, 2014

District 10

District Ten - Livestock

District Ten raises it's citizens to be strong and hardy people, situated in the dusty desert most citizens spend the hot days out in the fields with cattle or other livestock. Hand built family homes are grouped into small villages and ranches with each supporting a single herd or working at the same abattoir. The families in these villages usually function as one unit and rarely move away.

Ten is a very conservative place with citizens understanding the natural way of things as an absolute. Anything outside of the norm is seen as disgusting and freakish and children are encouraged to be strong from a young age to stop them from becoming upset by the livestock slaughter. Weak children and those with disabilities or a caring nature are often bullied and seen as outcasts.

The people of Ten enjoy their free time greatly and a popular past time is a barn dance where young citizens can dress up and court dates. Schooling is uncommon in Ten and young people learn on the job from parents and older siblings. Those who do attend the school in the centre of the large district often end up with better jobs out of the fields and within the walls of the justice centre.

Images of District Ten 

The Tributes
Sussex Nuehern (18)
Info: Orphaned young Sussex learnt to survive in his harsh orphanage by keeping his mouth shut and punching those who cross him. He works at a slaughter house killing animals quickly and neatly.
Strengths: Skilled with a knife, adaptable, Physically fit
Weaknesses: Mute, Distract-able, clumsy
Games Status: Alive

Ethel Delian (18)
Info: Ethal is a rare District Ten trainee, she volenteered for them games and hopes to win to protect her younger brother from thier abusive father.
Strengths: trained, Fast, Good under pressure
Weaknesses: Too trusting, unwillingness to kill
Games Status: Alive

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