Thursday, May 15, 2014

District 7

District Seven - Lumber

The people of District Seven are a flexible and hardy bunch, their district is situated in the far north of Panem where rising sea levels have created a temperate coniferous forest perfect for Panems need for fast growing wood. The wild surroundings of Seven create a wild populace that the Capitol struggle to control with physical force. They therefore take a similar approach to Six with Seven, providing more foods and relaxing the high food prices that other districts struggle with.

The nature of their works means that the citizens of Seven must move the boundaries of the District often to find new areas of trees. This means dwellings are often temporary and families are often split up as people look for work. This migrant life leaves the people of Seven as the least family orientated of all the districts making them rather selfish and uncaring of others.

Many people of Seven enjoy their work and the freedom to hunt for their own food that comes with living and working so close to nature, many have little gardens and children learn early how to catch and skin stray rabbits that pass their homes. 

Images of District Seven

The Tributes
Lem Davenport (16)
Info: A un-confident and shy boy who wishes he was more confident and struggles to share his feelings for a female friend.
Strengths: Friendly, Adaptable, Good instincts.
Weaknesses: Unconfident, physically weak, Spontaneous at times.
Game Status - Alive

Amber Haigh (16)
Info: Amber is dedicated to her family completely and lives in the shadow of her younger sister who survived a reaping and is in the running to work for the district government.
Strengths: Fast, knowledge of  plants, skilled with axe.
Weaknesses: focused on home, self sacrificing.
Game Status - Alive

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