Thursday, May 15, 2014

District 8

District Eight - Textiles

Creative yet controlled the citizens of District Eight live busy lives working night and day in the factories to produce clothing needed for the whole of Panem. The large factories and giant housing blocks rise high into the sky and leave the ground dark and cramped. The feeling of claustrophobia is common in Eights small homes and busy factories and people often have little time to themselves.

A common myth that keeps the people of eight creative is the belief that they may escape their district to become a designer in the Capitol, everyone seems to know someone whose sister/aunt/neighbor made it to the capitol but none of these people actually exist. Capitol designers do enjoy visiting Eights design studios and factories to steal the best designs however.

Children attend school between the hours of 0800 and 1400 and then enter work until 1900 leaving them little free time. The lack of open spaces in eight means that though they are often tired and skinny, children of Eight get no real exercise or experience of nature a major disadvantage for them during the games.

Images of District Eight

The Tributes
Cecil Maeve (17)
Info: A moody and temperamental young man Cecil dropped out of school several years ago to get a job. He has an addictive personality inherited from his father and is often seen with a cigarette in his hand.
Strengths: Detached, Unreadable, Hardened
Weaknesses: Temperamental, Addiction to cigarettes, Un-trusting.
Game Status: Alive

Lurex Lalita (17)
Info: An ambitious girl Lurex dreams of becoming a teacher in District Eight, she loves to ask questions and learn things, a habit that could get her into some trouble. 
Strengths: Friendly, Quick on her feet, Inquisitive mind.
Weaknesses: Physically weak, Terrified of the games, Asks to many questions.
Game Status: Alive

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