Thursday, May 15, 2014

District 5

District Five - Power
District Five exists in a state between lies and truths and it's citizens between sane and insane. The creation of  power is the official industry of Five but as many wise man would tell you 'knowledge is power' and so Five creates that too. Many of it's citizens work in labs designing and creating, medicines, cosmetic enhancements and many of the other miracles of life that the Capitol expect. 

The test subjects for these enhancements has meant that many generations of Five have been born with a quirk or trait in common such as red hair, purple eyes or sets of twins. Of course nothing has ever been officially announced about this and all participants must sign disclosure forms with a penalty of death. Those who do figure it out outside the test subjects are denounced as insane. 

Day to day the citizens of Five attend their schools and jobs and for the most part obey the capitol laws keeping themselves as a free district with few peacekeepers and high portions of food allocated. The docile nature of Five has also been linked to testing but those who make that link are quickly silenced.

Images of Five

The Tributes
Hugh Kratis (15)
Info: A curious and shy young boy, Hugh grew up in a sheltered environment with his parents and two young twin brothers. 
Strengths: Quiet, sneaky, Fast
Weaknesses: Physically weak, unsociable, prone to staring at people.
Game Status - Alive

Christine Quinlan (16)
Info: A popular young girl who lives with her parents and twin sister Demi.
Strengths: Logical, Friendly, Outgoing.
Weaknesses: Physically weak, Is hiding a secret.
Game Status - Alive

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