Thursday, May 15, 2014

District 2

District Two - Masonry/Peacekeeping
The people of District Two are raised in the largest military camp in the world, they are born knowing how to salute and that there are only two ways to escape the peacekeeping forces, to either be thrown out of training and sent to the mines or to be selected for the games.

At the training academy all children are trained from the age of 9 in skills needed for peacekeeping and the games. At 12 children are given a choice to continue training or to work at the mines, after that it's a brutal process leading to a class of 16 year olds who are over the next two whittled down to a final ten trainees a year. Two of these 18 year olds will enter the games and the rest will join the higher ranks of peacekeepers.

District Two offers a hard life for its citizens but it rewards them well too, miners retire early as do peacekeepers and drinking prohibitions are lowered for the older citizens to reward them for their hard work. Combined with the respectful nature the training centre instills in their young retirement in Two can be a rather enjoyable time in life.

Images of District Two

The Tributes
Cassius Rhodes (18)
Info: A focused and prepared career tribute who volunteered for the games. He has recently become engaged to his long term girlfriend and vows to win for her.
Strengths: confidence, excels under pressure, expertly trained.
Weaknesses: poor survival skills, arrogant, too trusting.
Game Status - Alive.

Olivia Visious (17)
Info: A thinker and a planner Olivia loves to plot a good trick, she's not too fussed who she hurts and always has a laugh on her face. She volunteered for the games.
Strengths: expertly trained, confident, quick.
Weaknesses: unfocused, enjoys to play tricks and annoy people.
Game Status - Alive.

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