Thursday, May 15, 2014

Panem and The Capitol

Welcome to The Turning of the Tides a blog for my Hunger Games Fanfiction of the same name, you can find it here:

The Turning of The Tides takes place in the same universe as The Hunger Games stories and imagines the world 75 years after the Mockingjay rebellion failed and all the previous Victors were killed.

The Year of the 150th Games was a quell and the tributes were reaped from the families of the surviving victors.

The Year of the 151st Games included a rule change where alliances were banned, this proved unpopular.

The Year of the 152nd Games is where everything will change.

My Panem -

The Capitol

The Capitol is hidden amongst the mountains it is protected by the might of Two and grows from the wealth created by the other districts.

Even in the Capitol life isn't equal however, where you live is dictated by your profession and social standing.

Ruby Capitolites are rich beyond compare, famous and barely have to work at all. They live in large apartments situated in the centre of the capitol where they have 24 hour access to shops, theaters and bars. A ruby house is always glamorous and follows the latest trends as well as appearing timeless.

A typical Capitol apartment block in Ruby- 


Opal Capitolites are the creative types, show business people, stylists and designers. Many Opal citizens work for the games and they all spend their time trying to keep up to and ahead of trend. Opal homes are eccentric and garish with a mixture of many styles in one space.

A typical Capitol apartment block in Opal -

Gold Capitolites keep the country running in dull government offices, many job share so they only work three days a week leaving plenty of time to network and socialize in the many betting parlors in Gold. Gold capitolites are the most likely to get into dept and end up in the peacekeeper forces. Gold homes are clean and modern with only the essentials within them.

A typical Capitol apartment block in Gold -

Silk Capitolites run the shops and do all the unwanted jobs living only a few steps above Avoxes, it is these unfortunate souls who usually make the final step down to Avox. Silk apartments are cramped and small with minimalist designs, despite being the lowest of the capitol a Silk child is much more likely to be seen laughing as their stiff Gold contemporaries.

A typical Capitol apartment block in Silk -

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