Tuesday, May 6, 2014

District 9

District Nine - Grain

The people of District Nine like those in Seven benefit greatly from the scale of their district. It's harder for Pecekeepers to keep track of citizens spread over acres and acres of grain and living in small hamlets and communal farm buildings. The isolated up bringing of the people gives them few worries about life outside their home and Panem as a whole. This attitude creates a very calm populace that the Capitol know will bring them little trouble.

Although illegal some District Nine citizens steal hops from the capitol fields to create their own home-brewed beer. This proves to be a good earner for those brave enough to try though the penalty is death for those who are caught, then again most peacekeepers enjoy a good beer as much as a field worker so brewers ensure their beer is the best just in-case.

Children of Nine are expected to work alongside their parents in the fields to help increase their families yield rather than for their own wage. Once eighteen and free from the reaping young adults are expected to join a collective farm before starting a family of their own, these run down places are the primary reason the most popular date for marriages in Nine is the day after the reaping.

Images of District Nine

The Tributes

Pleb Solvent (16)
Info: The son of a once wealthy land owner Pleb lost everything including his Mother and Older brother in a fire. He now lives day to day trying to forget his past and forget about the fire that haunts him
Strengths: Fast mind, Natural leader, Knows about plant life.
Weaknesses: Terrified of fire, Physically weak, Untrained.
Games Status: Alive

Auvita 'Ari' Farrow (14)
Info: An orphan at a young age Ari has learnt to fend for herself in District Nine, she survives by working alongside a group of illegal brewers all while taking care of Marica a young friend who looks up to her.
Strengths: Quick witted, Strong minded, Used to horrors in her life.
Weaknesses: Sarcastic, Volatile, Hates authority.
Games Status: Alive

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