Thursday, May 15, 2014

District 1

District One - Luxuries

District One is situated to the south of the Capitol in the state once known as Navada. It is a dry and hot place and the people are often described as lazy due to the strength living in the heat requires of them.

Working surrounded by pretty things gives the people of District One an appreciation for the finer things in life causing them to envy life in the Capitol and create cheaper versions of their products for consumption at home, it is not uncommon to see a District One woman in a current wig and a dress that is only one season out of date.

District One has one of the only two official training centers remaining and advertises it primarily as a health club, there is a boarding house attached which is seen by many abandoned youngsters as a better alternative to the community home.

Images of District 1

The Tributes

Hellios Baucch (18)
Info: Dedicated to his cousins and in love with Clona, he was abandoned at the training centre age 8 and loves to fight. He has anger management issues and is prone to snap.
Strengths: calculating, adventurous, well trained, protective.
Weaknesses: bitter, emotion-driven, his love for Cliona.
Games Status - Alive

Cliona Irvette (18)
Info: Abandoned age 8 with her siblings and cousin at the centre, Cliona is very bitter and angry. She holds a strong facade but when she does snap she tends to hurt people.
Strengths: courageous, obstinate, opportunist, well trained.
Weaknesses: vengeful, irritable, attention seeker.
Games Status - Alive

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